Wednesday 26 March 2008

A Good Crumble

If you are like us and enjoy a good old fashioned crumble then try the following recipe. Always keep half fat to flour.

16 ozs self raising flour
8 ozs margarine or butter
2 ozs caster sugar ( this can be increased or decreased according to taste)
pinch of salt

Mix together the flour and the salt and then rub in the fat until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Add the sugar to this mix and then spoon over the filling of your choice.
Bake and then sit back and enjoy

here they come!

The eggs have started to hatch, as I write this thread three of the eggs have now hatched and the little chickens have been placed in the brooder unit that we have made. so far so good.

Monday 24 March 2008

Who's Who

We have 14 chickens mainly ex battery, they have been with us a while now, we also have two leghorns, two black rocks and a welsummer, they are laying very well. We have Thomas our Rooster he is a White Star We also have a trio of Yokahammas. With the exception of the Yokohammas the rest free range our field but go away at night.

Hatching Eggs?

20 various eggs were placed in our brand new incubator 19 days ago. On day six they were candled and four were removed as infertile. Again they were candled on day 16 and as this is our first venture into hatching we left well alone. They have been in the incubator for 19 days, just a few more days to go to see whether this first project of hatching and rearing our own chicks will work. We should have 4 Cochin's, 2 White Star x White Leghorns and 12 Brahmas.

Today we made the brooder and we are keeping a close check to make sure it maintains a 37 c temperature.

Easter Monday 24th March 2008

Cold, rainy and damp, this is what its been like every day this Easter. A very early Easter holiday, I believe that it will not be as early for over another 100 years.

The daffodils are all up and adding a bit of colour to this very gray day. Today I have been out riding with two friends, not as quiet as usual as everyone normally at work on a Monday is out either walking, riding horses or bikes or just driving the lanes around where we live.

We've just had a full load of wood delivered for the wood burning stove, seem to have used a lot more wood this year than last.
This afternoon we are just chilling out around the TV before seeing to the animals later on